Perfect Phrases for Coaches


If you are a relatively new coach, USRowing level I and II certifications are a great way to learn more about technique, drills, and boat maintenance, but rarely will you hear about how to coach. What do you say? When do you say it? What motivates and what demotivates rowers?

If you can get past half the book text being set entirely in bold italics, Perfect Phrases for Coaches by Ralph Pim offers new coaches, or coaches stuck in a rut, some easy ideas for effective communication.

From the first day of practice, through countless workouts, and before launching for a big race, coaches have the challenge of addressing crews in clear, concise ways that will get results. Even though this book is clearly written for coaches of grade school field or court sports, it's simple enough to adjust language for any level of rower.

Perfect Phrases includes insights on coaching characteristics that will increase respect from your team; scripted conversations for a variety of situations, and a chapter dedicated to "impact words" that add power to what you say to your team. It might not all be perfect for you and your crew, but it's a platform to support your ideas and generate new communication tools.


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